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Why Levergent?

You've invested in the right tools. Are you using them in the right way?

Too often, companies implement new technology systems that simply recreate their existing business processes. They even pay for expensive customizations to get the new systems to do things in the same old way. They squander opportunities to introduce best practices that would seamlessly integrate their business processes with the core functionality of their new IT systems.

Or, companies struggle to roll out the basic functionality of new IT systems and never get around to implementing the advanced functionality that justified the purchase in the first place. One study of 2,000 global companies determined that they used, on average, only forty percent of the functionality in their ERP systems.

Even when companies develop their own custom applications, rather than using package software, they often succeed only in meeting their basic requirements.

Are you working for the technology? Or are you making the technology work for you?

Companies develop in-house applications without thinking though how to efficiently distribute, manage, and support those applications. What they have developed is software; what they need is a fully-supported software product. The in-house software becomes a management nightmare as the companies grow increasingly reliant on it.

Companies implement package software or develop in-house applications without properly documenting their systems. As memories fade and employees turn over, the companies lose their knowledge base of their own systems, which makes it difficult to solve problems in a timely fashion.

Innovative IT solutions to improve business process performance

Levergent helps our clients use information technology to improve the performance of their business processes. We don't just implement IT systems. We make sure that our clients get the right IT systems, configured in the right way for their particular business processes, and used to the fullest extent possible.

We call this “process performance consulting.” We offer innovative solutions that:

  • Have a transformative impact on our clients' business processes at the enterprise level.
  • Maximize utilization of the core functionality of IT systems
  • Reduce dependence on customizations
  • Seamlessly integrate enterprise software with business processes
  • Extend the life cycle of IT systems
  • Maximize return on our clients' IT investments

Levergent employs methodologies that help us quickly understand our clients' business processes and determine how the business processes and IT systems should be configured to work together most efficiently. In the ideal word, a company's business requirements and business processes would always drive the development and configuration of IT systems. We recognize, however, that business processes and IT systems often info rm each other. Often, a minor modification in a company's business process can enable it to use additional features of its IT systems, improving the company's overall efficiency and extracting higher return on investment.

By keeping a relentless focus on business process performance, Levergent helps our clients get the most value from their IT investments.